China Is Now Covering Project Veritas’ Investigation Into Pfizer

 The Global Times, which is a China State Affiliated News outlet, recently wrote an article asking the question of why are US media outlets and politicians ignoring Project Veritas’ recent undercover video of  Pfizer’s Director of Research and Development admitting Pfizer is “mutating” COVID via “Directed Evolution”?

The article shared details regarding Project Veritas’ recent undercover video of Pfizer Director Jordon Trishton Walker and pointed out that American media outlets aren’t covering the story because “they don’t ‘speak for truth, but are rather profits-oriented.”

Halfway through the article, however, the Global Times credits Tucker Carlson for covering the story.

The Global Times wrote that Tucker was a “rarity” among US media outlets and praised the Fox News host for calling out drug companies for their massive spending on lobbying Congress.


The Global Times wrote:

Is Pfizer really manipulating COVID-19 for profits and does it in secret? How far has the research gone? What risks will it bring? The public naturally has many questions and demands answers. However, most of the US and Western mainstream media outlets and US politicians have collectively kept mum on the issue revealed in the video. This is quite abnormal in the American public opinion field known for its diversity.

The authenticity of this video has yet to be confirmed. In the face of public doubts, shouldn’t the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), lawmakers and the media conduct further investigations and give the public an explanation?


China Is Now Covering Project Veritas’ Investigation Into Pfizer China Is Now Covering Project Veritas’ Investigation Into Pfizer Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on January 30, 2023 Rating: 5

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