“Zombie goose”-Jack Durnin“Made my own Bender costume out of trash cans”-Clayton Harrison“BEETLEJUICE”-Lori Johnson“Was my wife’s niece, a couple years ago. SILENT HILL!”-Clark Gridley“If you don’t know who this is, you’re too happy”-Jason Michael“Black and white photograph”-Ryan Blain“My oldest creates his costume every year”-Janet Litsinberger“Completely hand made Darla from Finding Nemo and my wife was the hottest Nemo I have ever seen”-Anthony Burzo“This scared a lot of kids that came to my house last year lol”-Mike Stasek“I did a full 3 piece prosthetic for my sister’s costume party (came in flesh toned, had to paint everything and blend with latex with her own skin, even the teeth) she won, of course.”-Christine Benson“I made my husband’s “Monopoly Guy (Uncle Pennybags)” with thrift store finds.”-Carlyn Vale-Atkins“One year me and my buddy made our sons Rock em Sock em Robots…”-Keith Santamassino“Pirates of Caribbean. not a mask, all makeup/ glued on hair. teeth are acrylic nails”-Stacey De Souza“My Rob Zombie costume last year”-Dean Skidmore
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