The United States and Communist China are in a standoff over who is responsible for unleashing the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) on the world, and the reality is that both of them are responsible.
While Communist China certainly facilitated its creation, as did the World Health Organization (WHO), Anthony Fauci and other deep state rats here in the “land of the free” funded and promoted “gain of function” and other dangerous research that led to the plandemic.
In a statement, Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying challenged the notion that her country is in any way responsible for the Chinese Virus, accusing the U.S. of being “the guilty party filing the suit first.”
“It is the U.S. that is conducting biological warfare and bioterrorism using genetic engineering technology, rather than China,” she added, urging the U.S. to be more transparent with its bio-laboratories and other research projects involving bioweapons.
Quoting an alleged “leaked” document obtained by the U.S. State Department, The Australian blamed China for weaponizing the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) five years before its release. The paper also presented a document as evidence to show that Communist China has long had an interest in developing bioweapons.
It is alleged that the U.S. currently claims ownership of bio-labs in some 25 countries around the world, including in the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, and even the former Soviet Union. There are 16 American bio-labs in Ukraine alone, Communist China says.
“Some of the places where the labs are based have seen large-scale outbreaks of infectious diseases and other dangerous infectious diseases,” reports claim.
Communist China wants to know why the U.S. has so many of these bio-labs around the world and for what they are being used.
“How much sensitive biological resources and information has the U.S. obtained from other countries? What kind of activities has the U.S. carried out in its Fort Detrick laboratory and other biolabs, and what’s the relationship between these bio-labs and its ‘next generation bioweapons?'”
Mass murderer Anthony Fauci conspired with Communist China to create covid
All of this came from the Global Times of China, by the way, which means they are merely Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accusations. At the same time, there is evidence to suggest that the accusations are correct now that we know what Fauci has been up to all these years.
As bad as Communist China is in terms of covering up bioweapons programs and pushing tyranny, the U.S. is guilty of much the same. This is why it seems apparent that certain elements within our government have aligned themselves with the CCP to promote mutual interests.
Communist China also has a reputation for lying about the deadly diseases that are “leaked” from its laboratories. Then-president Hu Jintao lied about the 2003 SARS outbreak, for instance, which originated there. In 2019, Communist China was also caught censoring, harassing and arresting doctors who tried to warn about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
Some news outlets are claiming that the U.S. must maintain a strong bio-laboratory presence throughout the world in order to keep Communist China in check. This is the perspective of Watts Up With That, which says the U.S. “cannot trust the governments of countries like China to tell the truth when they have a disease outbreak which threatens the safety of U.S. citizens and allies.”
On the other hand, can we really trust the “U.S.,” whatever that name even means anymore, to tell the truth about its involvement with creating the very bioweapons that are later “leaked” from Communist Chinese laboratories?
Mass murdered Anthony Fauci conspired with Communist China to both create the plandemic and lie about it.
Judicial Watch and the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) obtained more than 300 pages of emails showing communication between Fauci and other officials involved in creating the Chinese Virus. In these emails, Fauci agreed to keep quiet about an epidemiology analysis from the CCP that was to remain “strictly confidential.”
All of this occurred during the early days of the plandemic when nobody really knew what was going on or why. Information was stifled, censored and removed, and Fauci agreed to participate in the scam because he is the one who helped unleash the virus in the first place.
As Joseph Goebbels once said, if you make the lie big enough, simple enough and repeat it frequently, eventually most people will come to believe it. This seems to be the tactic of both U.S. and Chinese officials when it comes to matters pertaining to the Chinese Virus.
“Simple matter: China cannot be trusted on anything,” wrote one commenter at Watts Up With That. “Listen to what they say and believe the exact opposite.”
Others pointed out that the Biden Crime Family is another CCP asset that is now doing the bidding of the regime straight from the White House. How Americans who support Biden are unable to see what is going on remains a mystery.
“No government can be trusted,” wrote another commenter. “‘Trust but verify’ was an old saying. Trust is in short supply so let’s just go straight to verify.”
“Granted the communist religion is based on lies, but does anyone trust the U.S. government, especially the current illegal one?” asked yet another commenter, pointing out the fact that our own government is really no more trustworthy than the CCP.
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