WTH? Georgia Election Operative Gabriel Sterling EXPLODES ON TRUMP VOTERS After Dominion Employee Is Caught on Video Downloading Files on Laptops
In November reported on an almost $11 million grant award to the Georgia Secretary of State, Republican Brad Raffensperger and his accomplice Gabe Sterling.
Attorney Lin Wood wondered who this Sterling guy was and why did he use a gmail address for state business?
Lin Wood zeroed in on an anomaly related to the Secretary of State’s Office and the almost $11 million transaction with the state of Georgia. Wood’s bombshell tweet referred to an April 15, 2020 letter to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) from Secretary of State Raffensperger, who is also Georgia’s Chief Election Official.
The contact person at the end of the letter is Gabriel Sterling, who was appointed the COO of the Secretary of State’s office by Brad Raffensperger, the brand new SoS, shortly after Raffensperger was elected to the position in November 2018. Raffensperger’s predecessor was Brian Kemp, who had just been elected Georgia’s governor. Sterling, as COO, would be in charge of budgetary, human resources and administrative operations for the Secretary of State’s office. Sterling, strangely, has also been referred to, in multiple, recent media accounts, as Georgia’s “Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager.”
On his Twitter account, Sterling confirms that he is the “Voting System Implementation Manager”.
In the April 15 letter, Sterling lists a private gmail account address as his email account. The letter states: “If you have any questions about this request please contact our Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager, Gabriel Sterling, at sterlinginnovative@gmail.com.” Why wouldn’t Raffensperger refer the EAC to his COO, the employee in charge of budgetary issues for the SoS’s office? Why, instead, send them to Sterling as Georgia’s “Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager”? Well, it turns out Sterling ALSO has his own LLC called Sterling Innovative Solutions, with the “Registered Agent” listed is Robert Gabriel Sterling. https://www.bizapedia.com/ga/sterling-innovative-solutions-llc.html.
Lin Wood was right on the money: the use of a gmail account indicates that Gabriel Sterling CANNOT be a state employee, at least for purposes of this April 15 letter sealing the deal on $10.8+ million in Covid-19 money for the Secretary of State’s office. Or can he? Furthermore, Georgia already has an “Elections Director,” Chris Harvey, it says so right on the Secretary of State’s letterhead. Why wasn’t Harvey listed as the contact person in the letter to the EAC? Why does Georgia ALSO need a “Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager”? Are taxpayers paying for two state agency people to do the job of one? The public needs immediate clarification upon these issues, given that Sterling continues to assure the public and the media – on behalf of the state of Georgia and its Chief Election Officer, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his messed up, questionable, and clearly fraudulent election AND recount – that, Everything’s fine, move along, nothing to see here people.
Sterling shares the following: Sterling talks about how the Secretary of State’s office “expanded the emergency rule to provide for drop boxes to go through the entire election cycle now.”
At the 8:00 mark Sterling talks about “working with the ACLU and the Chamber of Commerce” and has given more than 6,000 names to counties for the election.
Sterling admits the Secretary of State expanded the rules for voting and was working with the activist groups like the ACLU.
On Monday Twitter user Code MonkeyZ posted video on Twitter and YouTube of what is alleged to be Dominion workers using the internet and USBs to pass information between workers in Gwinnett County Georgia.
The Dominion employee was identified later on 4Chan.
His name is Xavier Khouri.
And from a cursory look of his Facebook page he is a raging leftist.
Code Monkey later posted the response from Gwinnett County.
In steps Gabriel Sterling.
On Tuesday afternoon after the shocking reports on the Dominion employee Gabriel Sterling held a press conference and ATTACKED Trump supporters and President Trump.
Sterling told reporters he was getting death threats.
Gabriel Sterling also said the Dominion employee was getting death threats and there were even photos of a noose floating around on social media in a direct threat to the leftist Dominion operative.
Here’s Gabriel Sterling’s unhinged rant.
The actual fraud in the Georgia election does not upset this guy.
But Trump supporters investigating and revealing fraud and corruption send him through the roof.
Who the hell is this guy?
Lol...going down soon?