Senate Majority Leader McConnell Announces US Senate Will Vote on New SCOTUS Nominee (VIDEO)


Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead.  Her replacement will receive a vote on the floor of the Senate per Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

The Supreme Court Justice died Friday evening surrounded by family at her home.

The shock surrounding her death quickly turned to whether she would be replaced by this Senate and President.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell answered that question tonight. 

McConnell announced that he will hold a vote on the SCOTUS nominee. 

Senate Majority Leader McConnell Announces US Senate Will Vote on New SCOTUS Nominee (VIDEO) Senate Majority Leader McConnell Announces US Senate Will Vote on New SCOTUS Nominee (VIDEO) Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on September 19, 2020 Rating: 5

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