“Why Flee Mogadishu – and Do All Your Best to Turn Minnesota and US into Mogadishu?” – Rights Activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali DESTROYS anti-American Democrat Ilhan Omar

Radical Muslima Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) on Tuesday called for the dismantling of the US economy and political systems.
The crazed Marxist lawmaker called for capitalism to be destroyed in the name of social justice. 
Democrat Ilhan Omar: “As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality so we cannot stop at the criminal justice system. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.”
On Thursday Somali-born human rights activist and former European politician Ayann Hirsi Ali responded to Rep. Omar. 
Hirsi Ali has been speaking out for women’s rights in the Middle East for decades now.
Hirsi Ali ripped the radical Democrat Ilhan Omar. 
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: “She’s in Congress — the United States Congress and she is saying ‘Why don’t we dismantle the whole thing?’ … It makes you wonder. Why flee from Mogadishu, why flee from anarchy, why flee from oppression — and then come to the United States and do all your best to turn Minnesota and the U.S. into Mogadishu?”

Human Rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali fled the Netherlands after years of threats from Muslim extremists. Hirsi Ali dared to speak out against radical Islam and the horrific treatment of women in the Muslim world.
In 2006 Ayaan Hirsi Ali came to America. 
“Why Flee Mogadishu – and Do All Your Best to Turn Minnesota and US into Mogadishu?” – Rights Activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali DESTROYS anti-American Democrat Ilhan Omar “Why Flee Mogadishu – and Do All Your Best to Turn Minnesota and US into Mogadishu?” – Rights Activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali DESTROYS anti-American Democrat Ilhan Omar Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on July 11, 2020 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. "Radical Muslima" is misleading. Somalia was run by Communists during the Cold War. The radical part has to do with her being put in office by the extreme left wing Justice Democrats group.


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