CNN Settles Lawsuit With Covington Catholic Student Nick Sandmann – Settlement Amount Concealed From Public — Nick Sandmann Tweets!
CNN on Tuesday agreed to settle a lawsuit with Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann, but the amount of the settlement was concealed from the public.
Sandmann’s lawyers filed an $800 million lawsuit against CNN, WaPo and NBC Universal after the outlets used a selectively edited video to make Nick Sandmann and his fellow Covington friends look like they harassed Nathan Phillips, a Native American who attended the Indigenous Peoples March in DC.
Sandmann’s lawyer Lin Wood told Fox News last year that “CNN was probably more vicious in its direct attacks on Nicholas than The Washington Post. And CNN goes into millions of individuals’ homes.”
“They really went after Nicholas with the idea that he was part of a mob that was attacking the Black Hebrew Israelites, yelling racist slurs at the Black Hebrew Israelites. Totally false,” Wood said last year as he was preparing to sue CNN. “Now you say you’ve seen the tape; if you took the time to look at the full context of what happened that day, Nicholas Sandmann did absolutely nothing wrong. He was, as I’ve said to others, he was the only adult in the room. But you have a situation where CNN couldn’t resist the idea that here’s a guy with a young boy, that Make America Great Again cap on. So they go after him.”
The $250 million lawsuit against WaPo is still working its way through the legal system after WaPo failed to get the case dismissed.
Sandmann and other teen students who attend Covington Catholic High School were vilified and smeared by the left-wing media after Nathan Phillips, a fake Vietnam vet aggressively banged a loud drum in their faces in DC during a ‘March for Life.’
While standing at the memorial a Native American activist, Nathan Phillips, approached the boys and started harassing them.
Phillips got up in Sandmann’s face and started screaming and beating his drum inches from his face.
According to one of the high school boys who was present, a group of black men were taunting the Trump supporters, calling them “shooters” and “crackers” and said the white kids “had everything given to them by their parents.”
According to a witness, it was at this point that a Native American man showed up “out of nowhere” and began drumming in the high school kid’s face.
Video shows the children were not chanting, “Build the wall!” as Nathan Phillips claimed in a media interview.
The media wasn’t interested in facts — they wanted to push their left wing agenda so they doxxed the innocent high school kids.
Sandmann was doxxed by the liberal fascist mob and the children received death threats by violent leftists following the incident.
Congrats to Sandmann and his lawyers for the win and hopefully they win their lawsuits against WaPo and NBC Universal.
UPDATE– Nick Sandman posted this on Twitter on Tuesday.
Yes, We settled with CNN.— Nick Sandmann (@N1ckSandmann) January 7, 2020
CNN Settles Lawsuit With Covington Catholic Student Nick Sandmann – Settlement Amount Concealed From Public — Nick Sandmann Tweets!
Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE
January 08, 2020
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