Campus cop repeatedly asks leftists disrupting College Republicans event to leave venue — and gets big dose of defiance
Cellphone video shows leftists — including one with a clown nose and horn — disrupting a Georgetown University College Republicans event last week, Campus Reform reported.
"Climate Forum: A Rebuttal" — a counter-event to an MSNBC Climate Forum — featured "climate policy & climate science experts" talking to students about an "alternative perspective" on climate change, the outlet said.
So as the clown's horn kept blaring and angry leftists hollered "bulls**t" at the presenter, a pair of campus police officers showed up and instructed a handful of protesters to step outside the room.
Nine times, no dice
In fact, the officer who spoke to the protesters asked them politely nine times to leave the room — but none of them budged.
With that another protester strolled into the room and chanted, "What do we want?" On cue protesters in the room chanted back, "Climate justice!"
"When do we want it?" the new arrival asked. "Now!" the protesters yelled back.
While she was successfully removed from the room, the cop still had no success getting other demonstrators to leave.
What's more, after the officer asked one student at the front to leave, she wondered why the officer was singling her out "as a black person." A few groans followed as he explained he'd already asked two others to leave as well.
Try, try again
The officer then asked them more than 10 times to leave. Again, no budging.
Soon, "What do we want? Climate justice! When do we want it? Now!" rang out again and again — and eventually police emptied the entire room, Campus Reform said.
The clip ends with Georgetown's deputy director of protocol and events telling a crowd outside the room that any further disruptions would result in removals and student code of conduct violations. The outlet said there were no arrests — and that protesters with signs were blocked from entering the room.
Here's the video. (Content warning: Language):
Campus cop repeatedly asks leftists disrupting College Republicans event to leave venue — and gets big dose of defiance
Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE
September 25, 2019
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