Is He Too Old? 76-Year-Old Joe Biden Confuses Theresa May and Margaret Thatcher’s Names for 2nd Time
For some, age is nothing more than a number. Many elders are praised as being experienced and having “wisdom.”
For others, the subject is frowned upon in polite conversation.
In the case of 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, it’s not only fair game but it’s also becoming a perpetual obstacle. His age is all the rage.
When you’re 76 years old and running for the nation’s highest office, your brain had better be pin-sharp and you best not constantly mix up facts. Biden, conversely, can’t get out of his own way.
During a speech Thursday in Des Moines, Iowa, the former Delaware senator referred to ex-U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May as the late Margaret Thatcher, according to Washington Examiner.
Big deal, right? The guy is only human, those two ladies have the same initials (albeit they’re transposed) — so perhaps we should cut him some slack.
Except he’s made the same mistake before, the Examiner reported. And Thursday’s gaffe was just the latest example of Biden’s loose lips sinking his political ship.
At a San Diego-based fundraiser on Sunday, he said the mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, took place in Houston and Michigan. Those tragedies’ victims and their loved ones definitely wouldn’t rate that speech as Biden’s finest hour.
In light of that mistake, one Twitter user wrote that Biden should take the hint and drop out of the 2020 race.
At a fundraiser on Sunday, Joe Biden referred to mass shootings in “Houston today” and Michigan yesterday, @LAWinkley reports. The shootings were in Dayton and El Paso, respectively.
I liked him as vp, but it’s time for him to step aside. He doesn’t seem like he’s as “quick” as he used to be. Time to put ego aside, and let others take on trump.
See Kat's other Tweets
Equally if not more embarrassing and regrettable was Biden’s error that ended the last Democratic presidential debate in Detroit, whereupon he told viewers, “Go to Joe 3-0-3-3-0 and help me in this fight” — directing them to a website that didn’t exist. As an observer who has reached the half-century mark, I almost felt embarrassed for the old-timer.
In a speech Thursday in Iowa, Biden declared, “Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.” I wonder what minorities and underprivileged white people thought about that.
By now, his fight — among fellow 2020 hopefuls and potentially against President Donald Trump — is becoming more challenging by the day. Biden can ill afford more slips of the tongue on stage, particularly when bloodthirsty challengers such as New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and Sens. Kamala Harris of California and Cory Booker of New Jersey have chosen him as a favorite target during debates.
If we’re to believe the polls of Democratic registered voters, the former vice president is still leading the pack among the 20-plus challengers.
But if he keeps setting the pace despite all of his verbal blunders, that would be more detrimental to the Democratic Party than Biden himself.
Is He Too Old? 76-Year-Old Joe Biden Confuses Theresa May and Margaret Thatcher’s Names for 2nd Time
Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE
August 10, 2019
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