Someone come get their granny, she’s scaring the KIDS! Maxine Waters’ latest charge to impeach Trump is her most insane YET

Maxine Waters has been screeching to impeach Trump for months (years) now, so we suppose we shouldn’t be surprised about what she thinks is impeachment-worthy but well … this is nutty, even for her.
Remember Trump’s criticism of Obama golfing? The cost of Trump’s golfing is now $108M. Big spender Trump, disregarding the national debt only adds to his dishonesty. Trump should have been impeached a long time ago.

Soooo, she wants Trump impeached for golfing? Disregarding the national debt? If those things alone are worth impeaching a president Obama should have been impeached several times over.
He still hasn’t taken a $30M Hawaiian vacation yet Max.

Disregarding national debt is dishonest?

Who escapes that statement Max?

Trump hasn’t weaponized the US Intel community yet, how much did that cost Max?

Hey now, we’re not supposed to question when Democrats waste our money.

Since when have you ever cared about the deficit? I haven't seen a Dim in over 15 years say we're spending too much. I'm also reminded when Obama ran up over $1T/yr deficits and you weren't yelling about that either!

Well, of course, she wasn’t. When Obama was trying to bankrupt this country it was for our own good, silly head.
Dude, Trump has been GOLFING! That’s a big no-no according to the Constitution, it says so right next to free healthcare and free college.
Beats us?
In case you were wondering what the craziest response to Maxine’s tweet was … here ya’ go:

At least Obama got stuff done & wasn't running slave camps at the border! Obama had better & open communication with other foreign countries!

I can't think 🤔 of one bad thing Obama did! Obama wasn't ruining his mouth about airports in the 1700s talking behind bulletproof glass

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You know that face you make when you read or hear something SO INSANE you’re not sure if you actually read or heard it so you read and listen again and OMG you really did read and or hear it? Just made that face.
Someone come get their granny, she’s scaring the KIDS! Maxine Waters’ latest charge to impeach Trump is her most insane YET Someone come get their granny, she’s scaring the KIDS! Maxine Waters’ latest charge to impeach Trump is her most insane YET Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on July 09, 2019 Rating: 5

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