Amy Walter uses a restaurant analogy to describe the problem with Joe Biden’s campaign, and we’re totally here for it

While former vice president Joe Biden has a commanding lead in the Democrat primary polls, there are some potential issues with his candidacy and campaign that could catch up to him as the primary season unfolds.
Cook Political Report editor Amy Walter uses a restaurant analogy to describe one potential pitfall for ol’ Joe’s campaign.
After watching the Biden campaign thus far + Philly rally yesterday, my takeaway is that his candidacy is like one of those ‘casual’ nice restaurants that you go to b/c they have a big menu and everyone in your group can find something they’ll eat. (1/2)

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No one is unhappy (“look, honey they have grilled cheese for the kids and I can get a salad), but no one walks away thinking that was an amazing meal or experience. It’s not risky, but it’s also not totally satisfying either. (2/2)

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This is a good analogy, and are there really that many voters (even Democrats) who look at Joe Biden and think that we will always regret not putting that guy in the White House?

As for the Democrat primary, the analogy works even further for what could become of his campaign.
To what restaurant would you equate each of the Democrat candidates?

Ready, go…
Amy Walter uses a restaurant analogy to describe the problem with Joe Biden’s campaign, and we’re totally here for it Amy Walter uses a restaurant analogy to describe the problem with Joe Biden’s campaign, and we’re totally here for it Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on May 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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