Country’s Largest Police Union UNLOADS on LeBron James After He Incites Violence Against Hero Cop Who Saved Young Girl from Stabbing


Lebron James with police escort.

Billionaire athlete LeBron James on Wednesday threatened the Columbus police officer who shot 15-year-old knife-wielding Ma’Kiyah Bryant.

LeBron James posted a photo of the police officer and said, “YOU’RE NEXT” with an hourglass sand clock emoji.

James later took the tweet down.

If ANY conservative posted a similar post they would be banned from Twitter in a second.
But Lebron has liberal privilege.

On Wednesday, the National Fraternal Order of Police (NFOP) unleashed on NBA player LeBron James after he incited violence and targeted the Ohio police officer who saved a girl from a knife-wielding 16-year-old black.

Ma’Khia Bryant, the girl who was fatally shot, was about to stab another girl against a parked car in the driveway when the heroic officer stepped in and shot Bryant.

On Wednesday night the National Fraternal Order of Police, the largest police union in the country, unloaded on LeBron James over his sick assault on the nation’s police officers.

National FOP: King James, with his vast resources & influence, should educate himself and, frankly, has a responsibility to do so, on the facts before weighing in. This is disgraceful & extremely reckless.

The officer saved a young girl’s life. No amount of gaslighting will change that fact.

Country’s Largest Police Union UNLOADS on LeBron James After He Incites Violence Against Hero Cop Who Saved Young Girl from Stabbing Country’s Largest Police Union UNLOADS on LeBron James After He Incites Violence Against Hero Cop Who Saved Young Girl from Stabbing Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on April 23, 2021 Rating: 5


  1. I got me a plan. Why don't we rid ourselves of these parasites who were brought here by the khazarian mafia? How to do that?
    Why, we just round them & send them back! Yeah, we build ship or two or three & herd them all on there and bon voyage! We will call it, oh let me see, how about The Jiggaboo. Sound good? Great.
    Now, for a sing-a--long. To the tune of the Good Ship Lollipop
    On the good ship, Jiggaboo, we all gonna say a big f-k you on the Atlantic, back to Africa-kaboom! Then of course, the ship blows up, I mean why make Africa suffer more? Africa don't want them back, not now. They ain't doin us no good, ya know.

    1. The 🐂💩 you say behind a keyboard 😂

    2. Probably no worse than what you feel comfortable saying behind a keyboard. Truth hurts huh?


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