BREAKING: DC Circuit Court Denies Mandamus in General Flynn Case – Rules Against Flynn Case Dismissal

Breaking news:
The DC Circuit Court denied Sidney Powell’s request for mandamus and sent the case back to Judge Sullivan for “appropriate dispatch”. Techno Fog reported minutes ago:
This means that the DC Circuit Court has denied Sidney Powell’s request to end the court’s abuse of General Flynn.
It’s more than three months since the Justice Department moved to drop its case against General Flynn. But members of the Obama Deep State and the corrupt DC Court is stalling and obstructing justice by delaying General Flynn’s exoneration.
FOX News reported on May 5, 2020:
The Justice Department on Thursday moved to drop its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, in a stunning development that comes after internal memos were released raising serious questions about the nature of the investigation that led to Flynn’s late 2017 guilty plea of lying to the FBI. announcement came in a court filing “after a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and disclosed information,” as the department put it. DOJ officials said they concluded that Flynn’s interview by the FBI was “untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn” and that the interview was “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis.”Later Thursday afternoon, Flynn tweeted a video of his grandson reciting The Pledge of Allegiance, along with the message, “and JUSTICE for ALL.”
The federal judge overseeing the case would have to make the final determination to dismiss it.
But the Deep State was angry. Their false charges on a good man were meant to destroy General Flynn and he was getting away. So on Friday night May 8th, a call from former President Barack Obama, was ‘leaked’ to the media where Obama demanded the rule of law. This call was a demand for Deep State actors to fall in line and get Flynn.
The judge in the case, Judge Emmet Sullivan, fell in line. He took the most bizarre and unconstitutional actions we have seen in history. He called in another former judge to plead his position that the case should not be closed. He then hired a Deep State attorney paid for by American taxpayers to represent his case. He lost this argument and was ordered by the DC Circuit Court to close the case and he refused, and then he asked the broader DC court to hear his position that the case should not be closed because he doesn’t want it closed.
The hearing with the broader court never should have been held. The Justice Department ended its case. General Flynn is innocent. He never should have been charged. But the punishment of General Flynn continued.
Never before in US history have we seen such a spectacle. In the mean time, almost daily, new information is released by the government that proves that General Flynn was set up by the Obama gang.
Flynn’s attorney closed her arguments with the Circuit Court a couple weeks ago with the following argument:
The Obama Justice Department and other government departments were corrupt. Americans want real justice.
It’s outrageous General Flynn, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort and George Papadopoulos were ever indicted. The entire event was a corrupt fraud by the outgoing corrupt Obama gang. Enough!
BREAKING: DC Circuit Court Denies Mandamus in General Flynn Case – Rules Against Flynn Case Dismissal
Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE
September 01, 2020

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