Monday 24 May 2021

GRASSROOTS VICTORY: Critical Race Theory and 1619 Project Banned On the Spot In Cherokee Co. Georgia

 In Cherokee County, GA, recently there was a grassroots victory at the school board level as concerned citizens convinced their elected school board members, on the spot, to prohibit the implementation of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the 1619 Project based on their concerns.

“Please let people know about this so they will go to school board meetings in their communities to stop CRT, ” a participant in the activism on that day, .

According to our reader, interest in the topic of CRT and the 1619 project was intense and concerned citizens overfilled the building where the school board meeting was held and many had to be out in the parking lot:

The following is our GWP reader’s first-hand account of the event.

“The auditorium was at capacity (400) and there were at least 250 more outside. Parents were very vocal and spoke passionately against CRT. (Cherokee County does still teach SEL.)  The resolution to ban stated Cherokee County will not implement CRT in their schools, not under that name or by any other name.”

Ty Tagami for the Atlantic Journal-Constitution wrote in “Opposition to critical race theory intensifies in Georgia” about the same meeting:

In a meeting that drew hundreds, with hundreds left outside after the school board meeting room reached capacity, Superintendent Brian Hightower addressed a local debate of an issue that has flared up across the country. The school board voted 4-1, with two abstentions, to approve a resolution to prohibit implementation of critical race theory and the 1619 Project, a New York Times project that put slavery and Black contributions to democracy at the center of American history, from being taught in Cherokee schools.

Groups of concerned parents, teachers, students, and other concerned citizens around the country are organizing similar resistance to the Marxist teaching style and learning aids called CRT, with lobbying efforts at their school board and local government levels, seeking similar resolutions to have it banned from public schools.

“The school board voted 4-1, with two abstentions, to approve a resolution to prohibit implementation of critical race theory” was announced by a School board member, and that was the sound of victory to the concerned people of  Cherokee Co. Georgia last week.

In the video below Hightower spoke to the crowd, saying there was never any intent to use the academic theory in classrooms. He added that the district would not be implementing a “diversity, equity and inclusion” program as planned.

One man in the crowd yelled, “liar”.


Similar resolutions have been passed in four states on CRT and 1619 Project — Idaho, Iowa, Oklahoma, and Tennessee— restricting how race and racism are taught in schools. Lawmakers in several other states are attempting to the same, including North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Utah, and others.

Activist movements of students, teachers, parents, and other concerned citizens are forming and learning the process of how to lobby for the legislative changes they want to see.  Seeing other people’s victories on these local school boards will have a critical impact on all government, even up to the US House and Senate races in the 2022 election cycle.  With so many more people engaged in the civic process than in the past, the country is beginning to pull itself out of the shock over the 2020 Presidential election with action.

Citizens who had remained on the sidelines for most of their lives are learning how to engage in legislative action on many topics. Seeing a groundswell of like-minded support staying vigilant in the Populist “MAGA” movement is life-giving to others. Conservative-Populist activists are achieving great successes where they apply themselves.

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