Andrew Cuomo Snaps At Reporters Asking If He Will Discipline Himself

 During his first press conference in months, Andrew Cuomo snapped at reporters who asked questions related to his avalanche of sexual harassment allegations.

The press conference was designed to hype New Yorkers to prepare for the annual New York State Fair.

Gov. Cuomo was asked about the New York Times story released a few weeks ago that interviewed 80 people who closely worked or work with Cuomo and said that he was saying ‘anti-trans slurs’ and saying that ‘Jews lived in effing treehouses.’

New York Times released, “Andrew Cuomo’s White-Knuckle Ride, Amid scandals, accusations and calls for his resignation, the New York governor seems determined to prove that the instincts that have gotten him into trouble can get him out of it too.”

The New York governor denied those allegations and told the Times that he never say such a thing.

“They printed slurs and slander and you’d have to ask them why they did that,.” Cuomo stated

The reporter then asked Cuomo why would people say that he said those things.

“People say a lot of things!! People say a lot of things in politics! That’s-. Why do people say things? Who knows? People are venial. People want attention. People are angry. People are jealous. Who knows why people spread rumors,” Cuomo snapped at the reporter.

Avalanche of sexual harassment

“On the issue of sexual harassment. A number of women have obviously accused you of acts including groping, including overt sexual harassment of employees. You have pled for people to take an investigation into account, but you weren’t in those rooms. You know the truth. So can you tell the people of the state of New York, yes or no, did you do the things you were accused of?” the reporter asked Cuomo.

“No, no. That’s what I said when people suggested. Yeah, but a very simply no,” Cuomo stated.

The reporter continued, “The sexual harassment. You’re denying all of it?”

That’s right. That’s right. Yes,” Cuomo answered.

“If this changes, this report comes back and finds the contrary, considering that you’ve said zero tolerance for sexual harassment in this state, will you discipline yourself or consider resigning?” the reporter pushed back on Cuomo.

The report can’t say anything different because I didn’t do anything wrong,” Cuomo stated.

Andrew Cuomo Snaps At Reporters Asking If He Will Discipline Himself Andrew Cuomo Snaps At Reporters Asking If He Will Discipline Himself Reviewed by CUZZ BLUE on April 27, 2021 Rating: 5
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