Sunday 31 January 2021

Democrat Congressman Stephen Lynch, 65, tests positive to COVID-19 after receiving both doses of Pfizer's vaccine

 Democrat Rep. Stephen Lynch has tested positive to COVID-19 after receiving both shots of the Pfizer vaccine. 

The 65-year-old Congressman - who represents Massachusetts' 8th Congressional district - tested positive for the virus on Friday afternoon, his spokeswoman told CNN. 

Lynch attended President Joe Biden's inauguration last Wednesday, but returned a negative test before that event. 

Lynch received his second dose of the Pfzier COVID-19 vaccine prior to the inauguration, but the spokesperson did not disclose the exact date he had the shot. 

Pfizer's vaccine does not necessarily prevent COVID-19 infection, but is said to be 95 percent effective in stopping the serious symptoms that are caused by the coronavirus. 

Lynch is asymptomatic and was only tested for the illness after a staffer at his Boston offices became ill with the virus.

The Congressman is now isolating at home and plans to continue working  remotely.  

Democrat Rep. Stephen Lynch has tested positive to COVID-19 after receiving both shots of the Pfizer vaccine

Democrat Rep. Stephen Lynch has tested positive to COVID-19 after receiving both shots of the Pfizer vaccine

Lynch is pictured with Dr. Anthony Fauci during a hearing concerning government preparedness to the coronavirus in  March of last year

Lynch is pictured with Dr. Anthony Fauci during a hearing concerning government preparedness to the coronavirus in  March of last year 

Earlier this month, four Democratic politicians tested positive for COVID-19 after they bunkered down with maskless Republicans in a safe room during the siege of the Capitol Building on January 6. 

Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, 75, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, 55, Rep. Brad Schneider, 59, and Rep. Adriano Espaillat, 66, all confirmed they had contracted the coronavirus and blamed Republicans for refusing to wear masks while enclosed in the room. 

Lynch was not in the room at the time.  

Democrats have now proposed a $1,000 a day fine on lawmakers who refuse to wear masks while in the Capitol complex.  

Many members of Congress have now been received COVID-19 vaccines, although some lawmakers, including Tulsi Gabbard and Ilhan Omar have refused to have the injections ahead of other more vulnerable Americans. 

Lynch is seen talking to constitutents last Friday - a week before he tested positive to COVID-19

Lynch is seen talking to constitutents last Friday - a week before he tested positive to COVID-19

According to current data, only 6.9 percent of Americans have received their first of two Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccines. 

Just 1.4 percent of citizens have received both doses and are now fully vaccinated. 

The US has reported more than 25.9million confirmed cases of coronavirus in the country and over 435,000 total deaths. 

One Friday alone, 165,339 new cases 3,503 new deaths were added to the tally. 

More than 101,000 Americans remain in hospital being treated for the virus.  

A nurse is seen preparing a Pfizer vaccine in  Boston on Friday. Just 1.4 percent of US citizens have received both doses of a COVID vaccine

A nurse is seen preparing a Pfizer vaccine in  Boston on Friday. Just 1.4 percent of US citizens have received both doses of a COVID vaccine

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