Sunday 31 January 2021

Nancy Sinatra says she will 'never forgive Trump voters' and 'couldn’t believe that this great nation had sunk so low' when he was elected president

Nancy Sinatra said that she'll 'never forgive Trump voters' and that she contemplated moving to another country if the former president had managed to win a second term.  

Sinatra, 80, was an outspoken critic of former President Trump throughout his administration, spending her time advocating for climate change, women's rights and healthcare during his four years in the White House. 

'I couldn’t believe that this great nation had sunk so low,' Nancy told the Guardian of the fact that Trump had been voted into office back in 2016.   

'I’ll never forgive the people that voted for him, ever. I have an angry place inside of me now. I hope it doesn’t kill me,' she added. 

While reflecting on the 2020 Election results, Nancy said that 'We squeaked by [in the election]. I don’t know what I would have done if Biden had lost.'

Nancy Sinatra (pictured in 2015) revealed that she will 'never forgive' Trump voters for making his presidency possible in 2016
Nancy Sinatra

Nancy Sinatra (pictured in 2015) revealed that she will 'never forgive' Trump voters for making his presidency possible in 2016

Nancy said that she 'couldn’t believe that this great nation had sunk so low' when Trump was elected. Trump is pictured on January 12

Nancy said that she 'couldn’t believe that this great nation had sunk so low' when Trump was elected. Trump is pictured on January 12

She added that 'it crossed my mind to move to another country' if Trump had won reelection. 

Fortunately, she wouldn't need to, as Trump left the White House - and Washington DC - when Biden was inaugurated on January 20. 

While Air Force One flew away carrying the Trump family one last time, Nancy's father's hit song, My Way,' played on the loudspeakers. It was the same song that Trump had chosen for his dance with Melania Trump during his inauguration in January 2017.  

After hearing that Trump had played 'My Way' during his 2017 inauguration, Nancy tweeted - then deleted - 'Just remember the first line of the song. And now the end is near.'   

Nancy (pictured with her father, Frank, in 1967), has said that Frank 'actually did loathe' Trump

Nancy (pictured with her father, Frank, in 1967), has said that Frank 'actually did loathe' Trump 

Trump (left) is pictured with Frank Sinatra (right) in 1988. Frank allegedly once told Trump to 'go f**k yourself' during a negotiation over concert fees

Trump (left) is pictured with Frank Sinatra (right) in 1988. Frank allegedly once told Trump to 'go f**k yourself' during a negotiation over concert fees 

Looking back on the deleted tweet, Nancy said: 'Yeah, I was probably too outspoken for my own good.'

In her defense, she said 'But my passion was running so high.'

Nancy said that she takes great pains to avoid even saying Trump's name.  

'I’ve always tried desperately never to mention it, and if I did it would have been with a lowercase "t,"' she said.   

In July 2020, Nancy revealed in a tweet that her father 'actually did loathe' Trump, while replying to a tweet Mia Farrow wrote, which stated 'Frank Sinatra would've loathed Trump.' 

Farrow was Nancy's stepmother for a brief period, after marrying Frank in 1966. Farrow and Frank divorced in 1968.  

While tweeting with fans in 2019, Nancy was asked if her father and Trump had ever met, to which she replied: 'Yes. It didn't go very well.' 

At least part of the bad blood between her father and Trump dated back to an incident in 1990 that was chronicled in Frank's former manager's 2017 book, The Way it Was.

Eliot Weisman - who managed Frank from 1975 to 1998 - said that Frank had told him to tell Trump 'go f**k yourself' following a negotiation that feel apart, after Trump refused to pay Frank's performance fee for a series of gigs in 1990 at the opening of Trump's Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. 

During the negotiation, Trump allegedly said that the price of the 12 dates Frank was scheduled to perform on was 'a little rich,' as well as deciding that he didn't want additional acts, who had been part of the original deal, to perform, including Sammy Davis Jr, who had just been diagnosed with cancer.

After Weisman told Frank about what Trump said, Weisman wrote that he could either Tell Trump to 'go f**k himself' or give Frank Trump's phone number so Frank could tell Trump that himself. 

Weisman wrote that he returned to Trump's office and told him: 'Sinatra says "go f**k yourself."'  

On Twitter, Nancy revealed that Frank 'was a registered Democrat all of his life but voted Republican occasionally.' 

Frank endorsed Republican Ronald Reagan when he was up for a second term as  Governor of California in 1970 and also supported Republican Richard Nixon for re-election in the 1972 presidential election. He also endorsed Reagan's 1980 presidential run. 

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